Law Enforcement Agency Professional Development Donation Fund

PICDO’s Donation Program empowers agencies with resources and training to effectively combat cybercrime.

The Public International Cybercrime Disruption Organisation (PICDO) operates a donation program to support law enforcement agencies in developing nations in their fight against cybercrime. Through this program, funds are allocated to enhance professional development for investigators and prosecutors, and provide access to cutting-edge tools.

How the PICDO Donation Program Works

Victim participation

Victims of financial cybercrime who choose to participate agree to donate 10% of their recovered assets to support law enforcement training.

Funds recovery

If a participating law enforcement agency recovers and repatriates stolen assets to participating victims of financial crime,  then a 10% donation is made to PICDO, for training and certification of the law enforcement agents that resolved the case.

Donation Collection and Remittance

Stingforce affiliates collect the 10% donation from participating victims’s recoveries and immediately remit it to PICDO’s trust account.

Allocation of Funds

95% of the collected donations go directly toward the professional development program for the law enforcement agency involved. PICDO retains only 0.5% of total recovered assets for administration fees.


How PICDO Manages and Utilizes Donations

Internal Accounting

PICDO maintains an internal credit for each donation, earmarked for the respective law enforcement agency.

No Cash Payments

To avoid even the appearance of improprietry, no funds are transferred directly to any Law Enforcement Agency; PICDO acts as the paymaster for all training and licences that are donated to the LEAs.

Disbursement process

Agencies submit requests for approved purposes, and PICDO handles all payments directly.

Approved uses

The earmarked funds can be used by the respective law enforcement agencies for:

  • Certification & training for job-specific curriculum and courses;
  • Travel, meals & accommodation expenses for attending certification training;
  • Software licensing for cutting-edge crime-fighting tools and associated training.

Direct payment

PICDO handles all payments directly. For example, if an agency requests to attend a training course, PICDO will pay the course fees, book the travel, and arrange accommodation directly with the service providers.

The Stingforce Community: A Multi-Sector Network

Combating cybercrime with experts from diverse sectors

  • Law Enforcement
  • Banking & Finance
  • Crypto Exchanges
  • Insurance
  • Government
  • Social Networks
  • Telecommunications
  • ISPs
  • NGO’s

This diverse network leverages access to crucial closed-source, actionable, and time-sensitive evidence. Through established collaborative efforts, Stingforce affiliates and participating organizations are actively disrupting organized crime syndicates that generate hundreds of billions of dollars annually in illegal proceeds.




The Stingforce Network: Collaborating with Law Enforcement

Investigation File Referrals:

Stingforce affiliates refer resolved or near-resolved cybercrime cases to partner agencies.

Crime Report Summaries:

Detailed reports with identified criminals, witnesses, and evidence are shared.

Rapid First Responders:

Stingforce affiliates collaborate with law enforcement to quickly disrupt cybercrime activities.

The Stingforce Community consists of four distinct groups:

Law Enforcement Agencies

Law enforcement agencies and offices participating in the Stingforce community are responding to the urgent calls for action from INTERPOL and its Vienna Declaration. These agencies recognize the need for a revolutionary approach to combat transnational organized crime effectively. By joining Stingforce, they are embracing a new model of public-private collaboration that goes beyond traditional law enforcement methods. This approach allows them to leverage cutting-edge technology, streamlined processes, and cross-border cooperation to address complex criminal networks with unprecedented speed and efficiency. In doing so, these agencies are at the forefront of delivering Justice at Scale®, actively working to fill the gaps in global security architecture as highlighted by INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock.

Finance, telecom and social media organisations

Participating organizations from various sectors, including government agencies, financial institutions, telecommunication companies, and other corporate entities, who maintain their own distinct corporate structures while engaging in the community.

Charities and NGOs

Charities and NGOs such as PICDO, that participate in anti-human trafficking, anti-money laundering and crime-disruption activities.

Independent private investigators

Independent private investigators and cybercrime experts who operate under their own brands and companies while collaborating as Stingforce affiliates.

PICDO Program

Key Program Features


No cash disbursement policy ensures transparency.


Public financial records available annually.


PICDO directly manages all approved expenses.


Only participating victims contribute.

Join the Stingforce Network

Expanding our reach to combat cybercrime globally

Stingforce and its affiliates are actively reaching out to law enforcement agencies in new jurisdictions to expand the global network. If your agency is interested in joining the growing list of partners or if you have any questions about the Stingforce program and its collaboration with PICDO, please contact us.